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SalesForce Integration with Tendril Connect



The next section explains the step by step process to configure the SalesForce integration with Tendril Connect with a SalesForce Admin user account.

Important: Our platform is updating versions to improve or deploy new enhancements on a weekly basis, it's important to do a hard refresh when you see a new version available.

Windows Users: Press and hold down Ctrl + Shift + R

Mac Users: Hold down + Shift + R


Step 1: How to get Callback URL from Tendril Connect

Log in to Tendril Connect using the credentials sent to your email using the following link.

You received an email from our team sharing your credentials.

On the left menu, click on Settings

Select Integrations on the left menu

Select SalesForce -> Accounts on the left menu.


Copy Redirect URL (OAuth)that's automatically filled out by default.

This URL will be used in the next step:  

Create a Tendril App in SalesForce

Make sure to be ready to copy and paste.


Step 2: Create a Tendril App in SalesForce

Sign In to your SalesForce account.

The admin account in SalesForce needs to be the exact same email that you use in your Tendril Connect Account.


Inside SalesForce,

go to Setup Menu and select the Setup submenu.


Do a Quick Find and search: App Manager.


Include the following information


External Client App name: Tendril Connect

API Name: (API Name will auto populate what's included in External Client App Name field)

Contact Email:

Distribution State: Local

Contact Phone: +1 866 740 4470

Info URL:

Logo Image URL:

Icon URL:


Check: Enable OAuth in the API (Enable OAuth Settings)


It is time to paste the URL from Tendril that was previously copied


Leave ALL options from the Flow Enablement

section unchecked.


Check only Require secret for Refresh Token Flow 

from Security section.

Your Tendril Connect External Client app has been successfully created!


Step 3: Configure SalesForce App values into Tendril Connect

Go back to Tendril Connect and fill out the following information from your new Salesforce App


Select the following options from the OAuth Scopes

  • Access the identity URL service (id, profile, email, address, phone)

  • Manage user data via APIs (api)

  • Full access (full)

  • Access Connect REST API resources (chatter_api)

  • Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)

  • Access custom permissions (custom_permissions)

  • Access Lightning applications (lightning)

  • Access content resources (content)

  • Access the Salesforce API Platform (sfap_api)

  • Access Interaction API resources (interaction_api)

Leave unchecked Introspect all Tokens and Configure ID token

For External Client App name:

Copy the exact Name shown in the external client app basic information


For External Client App name:

Copy the exact Name shown in the external client app basic information


Select: New External Client App


Step 4: Sync SalesForce Admin user with SSO

Go to Settings in Tendril Connect

Select Integrations -> SalesForce on the left menu

Click the -> SalesForce logo on the upper  center section.


Log In to your SalesForce account.

The admin account or email in SalesForce needs to be the exact same email that you use in your Tendril Connect Account.


Step 5: Confirm Accounts have been synched

Now you can see all your SalesForce users inside Tendril!


You have now successfully integrated your SalesForce users with Tendril Connect!

Once the accounts are shown in Tendril Connect the integration between SalesForce and Tendril Connect has successfully been synchronized!

If this CONNECTION section does not appear, go back to Tendril and do a hard refresh:

MAC: ⌘ [Cmd] and [⇧ Shift] and then press R

Windows: [Ctrl] and [⇧ Shift] and then press R

And click again on the SalesForce Logo

How to create a Dial Report in SalesForce


Step 4: Use Reports in SalesForce to sync Lists to Tendril Connect

This guide will show you how to create a basic contacts/lead report for your users to dial through our Tendril Connect platform.

We currently support these types of reports:

  • Account and Contact Reports

  • Lead Reports

Once logged into SalesForce, click on "Reports" in the top header bar


Click on New Report


Click on "Accounts & Contacts" if using Contacts, or "Leads" if using leads


Choose the Contacts & Accounts report (or if you're using leads, choose the leads report)


Under Columns, 

remove and/or add any columns with info that you would like to have on your report.

 IMPORTANT: Required* fields for Tendril integration are:

For Accounts & Contacts

Contact ID*

First name*

Last name*

Phone number 1*

For Leads

Lead ID*

First name*

Last name*

Phone number 1*

Once you have all the columns you want/need, click on the "Filters" tab


Click Save, when you feel like you have the appropriate filters for your list.


Once saved, a popup will appear.

Give your report a name so that it can be easily searched for in Tendril Connect


Click on "Save",

once saved, it should appear in Tendril Connect under the SalesForce contact lists.


Step 7: Verify SalesForce Lists are shown in Tendril Connect

In the Contacts Panel, select the SalesForce Tab and choose a list to confirm the synchronization is showing successfully synchronized.


Step 8: Verify Tendril Connect Sync to SalesForce


Click End Session once your 1 hour Tendril Connect session is over.

Once you click End Session the synchronization to Salesforce starts.


To verify completed tasks in Salesforce, after a Tendril Connect session,

simply build a report on completed tasks.

IMPORTANT: Currently our integration does not support custom task fields with validation.

Please make sure to remove ALL validations from standard and non-standard fields.

Finally, add the following values to your pick list for a call result:

Tendril Disposition:

  • Tendril - Refuse to transfer

  • Tendril - Opt out

  • Tendril Phone Refusal (Hang up)

  • Tendril - Left Voicemail

  • Tendril - Gatekeeper Conversation

  • Tendril - Referred to another contact

  • Tendril - No longer with company

  • Tendril - Set appointment

  • Tendril - Wrong number

  • Tendril - Phone tree no connection

  • Tendril - No answer

  • Tendril - Decision maker conversation

  • Tendril - Other

  • Tendril - Bad number / Busy signal

  • Tendril - User did not pick up

The requested fields can be found in the following sections.

Click Settings -> Basic Information


For Consumer Key and Consumer Secret Open OAuth:

Open the OAuth Settings Menu and Click on Consumer Key and Secret

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